14 May 2012

A Weekend for Mothers

So, Mother's Day weekend was pretty fun. We went to Shirley's cabin and did some more work. I ended up installing all the insulation in her down stairs while Jared installed the wiring for lights, switches and outlets. Unfortunately, we learned that instead of using 2wire for everything we need to run 3wire from switches to lights and back to switches. Oh well...at least we are still a couple of steps closer to getting her cabin livable.

I know I said I would post some pictures. I didn't forget. I want to upload them on to our office computer and fiddle around with them in Photoshop before actually posting them. Besides, I need to get back into working with PS to hone my skills :-)

So, without further adu, I am heading to bed. Pictures to come in a few days (possibly a week because I'm such a procrastinator)

Love, hugs and healthy vibes! <3

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