24 January 2013

Thursday, Week 3

So today marks the end of week three here at The Art Institute of Seattle. An update from last time, I dropped my analytical writing class in favor of a much more exciting class, World Mythology! I know I posted about being so excited to get into another writing class, but after the first class I knew it wasn't the right class for me. So, instead of taking a writing class that I would potentially get a bad grade (C or less!) I switched to a more entertaining class. I have to say, it was most definitely the right choice. Not only will I be able to pass this class with flying colors, but now I will be able to get into Creative Writing next quarter, which is the class I wanted in the first place! *sigh* Man it feels great to be in school again! Oh...and LOVING it for...mmm... the first time EVER!

So, you may be wondering where all the pictures are. Well, I am currently typing this through my iPod, so no pictures. But, I have the next two days off work and school (oh ma Gawd, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!) so I should be able to get something up within that time. Be patient, my loves; you all know how I operate ;-)

So without further adu, I bid you good night and a beautiful morning! Take care and stay healthy! Mucho love-o!


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