21 August 2011

Saturday morning adventures.

Something that we (my Buist family) have been coordinating with each other since 2010 through early this year, 2011, is a skydiving trip. Finally, yesterday August 20, 2011 we successfully fulfilled our goal! And I must say it was the BEST experience on a beautiful Saturday morning I could have ever had...and look forward to having again!

Unfortunately I can't post the video here but here is a photo.

The video is available for viewing on my facebook page hiiya

19 August 2011

Weekend Harvest

So, a few months ago we planted some potatos. Today we decided to take a peek and see what came of them and this is what we found!

While we were at it, Jared went and checked the blueberry bush and voila!

Not very many, but enough to put with some cottage cheese and make my mouth and tummy happy :-)

I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to make with the potato's yet. I was first thinking potato salad but then home made french fries sounded awesome! We shall see, and when we do there will be some more photos to come.

Take care and stay healthy!

16 August 2011

First post...EVER

Howdy friends!

This is my very first blog, ever. I do not consider Facebook to be an official blog. I plan on posting as many successful pictures as possible to keep you all updated on how my progress in school is going. Also, I will use this as a network to work with others in the field, willing models and listening to anyone who has suggestions and knowledge regarding photography.

I will try my best to keep everyone posted on a frequent basis regarding my studies, my life and everything! Why? Because this is MY blog and it is all about ME! :-)

So, until the next post, stay healthy!